On 12/09/03 15:54 +0530, Nikunj Virani wrote:
Yeap, Hathway provides internet service through CMTS and Cable Modems on some places. Has any one been involved in similar setup before, which could be of help to me. Currently i am trying to analyse how Internet
Yes. I have been involved with running a cable ISP earlier.
can be distributed along with Cable TV Channels and what all equipments would be required for such a setup.
Internet over CATV lines (coax) uses different frequency bands from the TV signals. http://www.google.com/search?q=docsis should be a starting point for you. Basically, you need a CMTS [Cable Modem Termination System] (basically a router with coax ports and ATM support), cable modems, a bit of ethernet/usb for the modem to connect to the PC, a switch to connect your servers and CMTS to the edge router. Specifics will depend on a lot of factors, including the service(s) you provide, the IPs you allocate, the specific systems you buy....
Feel free to ask further questions.
Devdas Bhagat