Sometime on Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 12:39:44AM +0530, Rony Bill said:
Hello All,
Yesterday I was at a hospital to oversee a patient's discharge. It took a whole day for them to simply discharge the patient. What was surprising was that even though the hospital had computers in practically all departments, they didn't seem to maintain records
I had seen such a software some 2 years back, made to order for a couple of clinics in chembur. It was written in Python/PyGTK and just worked like what you are expecting. With all clickable icons of beds and wards and floors as in a typical hospital.
Operator just needs to right click on the bed icon in the gui and enter respective details. While discharging you get a fancy bill.
Let me know if you wish to act as a mediator between Baji Rao, the developer and hospitals. I'll have to dig out Baji Rao's contact details from my files :)