I'm trying to register myself on the RSVP page.
On the Login page , after I submit my emai/password I get this:
An attribute required for logging in was not returned (nickname). I read elsewhere that I ought to check my personal details I want to share before I click 'Log in'., But these items are already checked and grayed out as well.
It seems that some details are not being passed to loco.ubuntu.com.
Is there anything I need to do ? Thank You.
* Go to this URL: https://login.ubuntu.com/ and log in. * Make sure that all your details are entered correctly. * Now, in a new tab, go to this URL: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/indian-team/2596-ubuntu-1310-release-party-mum... and try to register for the event. * Please make sure that you have selected all the personal details that are available, while logging in. It may be possible that a personal details is not greyed out, but is still required and is unselected.
I hope this helps! Otherwise, just come along to the event and we'll get your registered there on the spot.
Best Regards, Rigved