On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 Clifford D'Mello wrote :
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 00:40:50 +0530, A C E absolutely.confused.engineer@gmail.com wrote:
Try OpenGL by Mesa3D. Its a graphic library not similar to Borland but good for graphics programming. Also download the "RedBook" without which it is impossible to start programming if you havent used OpenGL before.
Beware of taking advice from "absolutely.confused.engineer" ;-)
Jokes Apart it is up to you regarding what you want to do. If you want to look at computer graphics for exploring the various graphics algorithms.. I think svgalib is a very good option. Once you have a nice grasp of the various concepts and algorithms of the subject, you can then go on to more serious programming using OpenGL. IMHO using OpenGL in the initial phases will only result in you wasting time learning the standard api's rather that focusing on computer graphics.
My 2 paise :-)
-- Clifford
I just want to put an image of Ganpati in my CTL+F1...6 And I have not installed X. Is there some simple utility which can convert by jpgs / bmps into the format which SVGA will show && a small code which will display it. A humble requirement.
And yes PT, I have again not googled... sorry to disappont you.