Thanks for the suggestion, but that is what i did intially, i installed mysql 4 without amking any changes , next , next next as u said , post installation when i gave a command to create a table as type innodb , it created a table without giving any error , but then when we checked the type of talbe what is created it was still myisam , that is when we started searching google and found recommendations to add all that to my.ini , but it still didnt work thanks again for ur help , but my issue remains
Nikhil Bhaskaran The 6m Group - Mumbai
For cheapest and best webhosting
Mysql 4.X does not needs any setting in the my.ini to initlize DB leave it all empty. (Provided you did just Next next and Next when installing and installed it to c:\mysql)
What you need to do is when you create Tables just set the type=InnoDB to have transcation enabled