Hi Ashok,
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 07:48:11PM +0530, Ashok Iyer wrote:
Speakers are needed for the workshop. Harsh has confirmed himself and Trevor's presence for the same. As Harsh suggested, it would be nice to have people who wanna speak for the first time. Please come forward. It would be a privilege to have Dr. Nagarjuna around. Maybe Harsh and Trevor can take over this and decide the topics and speakers.
I can take "Economics of Free and Open Source Software and FLOSS in Education". Total duration 1 to 1 and 1/2 hrs. I can be available on either Sat. or Sun. subject to earlier confirmation of the schedule.
Also let us know who else is involved, perticularly faculty/management, in this workshop, and their contact info.
Regards, Ashok Iyer
With regards,