On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 05:22:28PM +0530, Kapil Karekar wrote:
While installing scribus on BSD I am getting the following error on 'GNUMAKE=gmake ./configure' :
configure: error: You need at least freetype 2.1.0
I have installed both freetype-1.3.1 and freetype-2.1.9 from source.
Find out how configure checks the freetype version number, and then run the same check from the command line. Two possibilities come to mind:
The configure check is broken. --> Fix it.
The wrong freetype library is being included --> I don't know. You may have to run modconf or whatever.
It would be really nice is someone could help me out with this :)
Really? Well I hope someone will. Otherwise, why have you posted this?