RSCL Mumbai wrote:
Thx for all the feedback. Clouds are slowly clearing. Universal opinions are 3 distros: OpenSUSE Fedora LinuxMint (based on Fedora) How different is Fedora from LinuxMint or what is advisable or advantanges Vs disadvantages between the 2.
From here onwards, I will be able to cut-down to just 2 distros; one based
on SUSE (openSUSE) and one based on Fedora (LinuxMint OR Fedora). Please send in your feedback.
Unless you are an expert, stick to the main distros and not distros based on main distros. Every distro has a customised kernel and the main distro kernels have wider hardware support. The customised 'based-on' distros have better eye candy and application utility and functionality but may not run properly on more hardware. You can manually add extra applications in the main distros, specific to your requirement.