Morning Amish,
Thanks for starting the thread since its imp everyone knows where we stand.
Amish Munshi said:
My only problem is to get speakers to speak on something, today there is no one to speak on any technical topic and the number of people interested in coming for the meet is decreasing.
On a realistic note amish, we haven't been able ourselves to create the aura surrounding each meet as it used to happen previously. There are various factors to the same least of which i wanna start debating now.
What we could do for a start is to have small events organised every fortnite, inviting participation from Industry and Academia. Such interaction would help us get moving towards a beautiful debate surrouding various Technical/Non-Technical issues. FSF/Ilug also serves as a forum for all of us to discuss and understand Commercial issues pertaining to OS/FSF.
Round table debates, etending industry specific invitations...etc are ways of ensuring interest and keep the passion brimming in the group. Sadly over a period of time all of us have come up with our own commitments making us go slow on the os/fsf part.
We should kick start some of these ideas above.