Sometime on Sep 2, Goldwyn Rodrigues assembled some asciibets to say:
I freshly installed RH Linux 7.1 on an AM K6-2n with 20 GB HDD. Now I made a prrimaryr parrtition of 4 GB and installed win on it. Then booted using a linux CD and made the follwing parttitions - /dev/hda2 20 M /boot /dev/hda5 5000M /secy of type Dos >=32M
and the /usr /home swap and / in the follwing partitions. However now I when I boot in Win I am not able to view the 5 GB dos partition. I rebooted in Linux and it shows me there. I formatted the /secy partition using mkosfs -F 32. An erbooted in Win, still no
Ok, the problem really is that windows does not look at the partition table to determine the type of partition, but at the first 512 bytes on the partition. For DOS/Windows partitions, these bytes need to be zeroed out or something. fdisk or whatever linux utils you use only set the partition id, and don't do this zeroing out. mkosfs creates the fat and sectors, but again does not zero out the first few bytes. Your best bet is to use windows fdisk, delete the partition (which should show up as non-dos), and re create it, or try dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda5 bs=512, but this is risky.