On Saturday 07 January 2006 02:36 PM, Derwyn Dpenha wrote:
How do I find the list of all files modified since yesterday? I know one option would be
try man ls
ls -t | grep `date` -t sort by modification time
I think Below command will definately work
"ls -lt | grep "your desire date in YY-MM-SS Format"
hardik@aks:/home/hardik# ls -lt | grep "2006-01-05" drwxr-sr-x 6 hardik hardik 200 2006-01-05 17:42 sandbox drwxr-sr-x 2 hardik hardik 200 2006-01-05 14:40 Attachments -rw-r--r-- 1 hardik hardik 468 2006-01-05 13:16 tai64n
Hardik. -- "Hey, it's fifteen years today since I bought the machine that got Linux Started. January 2nd is a good date." "Linus Trovalds on Relase of 2.6.15"