Dinesh Joshi wrote:
It is important to remember here that PCQuest is a magazine and not a software development company.
True but their misadventures are doing harm to Linux. People ( not familiar with Linux ) get the impression that Linux is for experiments only and is not fit for serious use. Too many cooks are spoiling the great health giving soup. :)
They have been making this distro for first time users. It's not upto the mark but you shouldn't go around criticizing it if you have just tried it on one system.
First time users need an even better distro as they would not know the work around for many problems. One system testing may not be enough but my system uses an Intel processor and an Intel motherboard that is a better one in its category. It should atleast perform the same if not better than the earlier distros.
Speaking of how good FC4 was, well they did release it with a broken kernel which didn't boot on most Intel systems. They also did release it with flaws in Xorg which prevents people from entering into any virtual terminal once X server has started.
Some of Rony's comments have gotten me thinking. Vinod Unny who leads ( not sure ) the PCQLinux team is a HUGE supporter of M$. He is some regional manager of M$ I think. We did have flame wars over IE6 vs Firefox and IIS vs Apache. In both of those he went beserk and supported Windoze and actually tried to justify some of their "features" and how secure IE6 really was as compared to Firefox :\
Hmmm ;)
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