There are no complete articles on this thing, no details, just the same
image and hype. I'd really like to see this go into production, but there's too much hype to be here in time and at that cost.
Another picture of the so called device.
The site says
'According to the details,the tablet will come in three versions of 5, 7, and 9 inches display. It will be packed with 2 GB RAM memory, wi-fi connectivity, USB port and powered by a 2-watt system to suit poor power supply areas. It will laso have apps like internet browser, PDF reader, video conferencing facilities, open office, sci-lab, media player, remote device management capability, multimedia input-output interface option, and multiple content viewer.'
Some more specs can be found here,
Here it says
'At the heart of the 10.5-inch tablet lies an ARM chip. The exact chip set to be used has not been disclosed, but it is known that 2GB of memory will be present to back it up. The display is a color touchscrenn with multi-touch support. Furthermore, the configuration includes cloud storage, 10/100 Ethernet, WiFi b/g , a so-called highly-customized operating system and even support for Adobe Flash. Thus, there will be no issues regarding online videos and interactive educational content. Finally, the device comes with a digital camera and compatibility with documents, Adobe PDF and various multimedia formats.
The slate was developed by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) students and will benefit from a network that connects 18,000 educational institutions and 400 universities. This network is part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology.'
Disclaimer: Nothing 'official' about all these Technical Specifications :-)