On 06-Oct-06, at 10:44 PM, Rony wrote:
Sometime on Oct 5, Roshan assembled some asciibets to say:
I have posted a report on the BoF held on 5th October 2006, on the wiki.
Cool, how come only three of you turned up? I thought Kenneth Gonsalves was interested in meeting folks.
The big birds who organized the meet canceled it without informing on the list. Krish and I went to the venue in case anyone turned up and was feeling lost and luckily Roshan got company. We discussed linux and had birdy 'num num' then went home.
in the morning i checked and only two people had confirmed - both of whom had attended the andheri BOF. My net connection went down and i couldnt post to the list. So I phoned Anurag and asked him to post a cancellation. Apparently he didnt. Then I went to sleep. At about 7 i was told the meeting was on - but 7 bungalows to 5 gardens starting at 7 would put me there at about 8.30, so i said i couldnt come. My apologies - but the andheri bof was great - Roshan, please post the minutes of that too.