On Saturday 17 June 2006 09:09 pm, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
On 17/06/06 16:27 +0530, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, DB cobbled together some glyphs to say:
And Microsoft definitely made the computing world less reliable. Blue screens of death?
And what's the largest piece of code that you've written?
Written as a single app, about 80K lines of Perl code.
Joined together into a single complex system, and maintained it? LDAP, DHCP, Samba, IMAP (Cyrus, UW), Sendmail, Postfix, amavis, clamav, FTP (Proftpd, WU), httpd, RADIUS, a RDBMS, a backup system, custom Java, PHP and Perl applications, Tomcat, Cisco switches and routers, CMTS, remote access servers, DNS, webcaches.
Throw in legacy M$ Os and badly written apps without sources while things are in transition. It makes me sick and clients very God fearing.