Well there is one other thing we can do ( this is at least what i do ) We all normally do have yahoo ids. we can add each other in our messneges list where we can have instant online support from our friends n other lug members we can also do conferancing ( which we can say other way of online meeting ) where we can chat n njoy lots of various things. What do u say ppl ??? Think a bit.
With Best Regards, Sameer Shinde.
P.S. : This I starts with my yahoo id which is " s9sameer "
Sometime Today, gaurav chaturvedi assembled some asciibets to say:
This mail is to suggest that we have an online meet-up,since the lug meet was cancelled we could have a meet at the ilugbom irc channel
These aren't things that need to be arranged. People should always be online in the lug chatroom. Most of us from around India hang out in #linux-india on irc.freenode.net, and we have these online meet-ups about once a day for 24 hours at a time.
-- The truth isn't easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than soap, and much more difficult to find... (Sourcery)