I need small information about lilo.conf file...
In our systems we have two partitions of hard disk, one is win'2000 and linux 6.2.. while booting lilo file it will ask two options (linux/dos)
In one system we observed that there is no paswd setting in lilo.conf file. But still while booting into linux single, it is asking passwd. Using root authentication, when I opened that /etc/lilo.conf file I observed that there is no passwd setting in lilo.conf. I want to know is there any file other than lilo.conf where i can set the passwd & prevent "linux single" access.
===== Bye,With best regards,-Ramaprasad.M.K.My other e-mail addresses according to the order of preference.mkr_prasad@yahoo.co.in,prasad74@rediffmail.com