Yesterday I was forced to hard reboot my Linux and when it passed through e2fsck it showed errors in lots of inodes. After going through fsck(where all I did is choose default answer) when I checked lost+found there were around 1200 files of size 4GB(HD space is 8GB). 'ls -l' doesnt show type of the file(it shows '?' question mark). Now if I try to remove those files it says 'Operation not permitted'. I also tried 'chmod 644' but that too fails. So now what are theses files? How do I remove these files? lost+found also shows several block and character devices, I was unable to remove those too. Is there a separate command say 'rmnod' to remove such files?
Also my harddisk is NOW showing 1GB free, as far as I knew it only had 200MB space left, does it mean I have lost the files? Can this happen? I was under impression that any unattached inodes go to lost+found. Also there can't be 800MB of data open at time of reboot that all get corrupted and lost. But suprisingly all daily operations seem to be working fine. So point is where did free space come from? What files were lost? How do I find?
I am totally lost :-)
Thanks for help. Amish.
P.S. Kernel version is 2.2.17 and I am using the machine since 2 yrs and is reasonably stable.