Sometime on Aug 10, Mayur Joshi assembled some asciibets to say:
How do I run any X windows application, specifically Netscape on the remote machine to which I am connected by TELNET?
Surely not through telnet. It might get fired up if you start X from command line and then start netscape. But you won't be able to see anything. Try VNC. It comes with RH 7.1
Actually, netscape runs very well over telnet. That's the whole concept of Xclients and Xservers. Netscape on the remote machine is the Xclient. It connects to the Xserver on the local machine for its user input/output.
localmachine> xhost +remotemachine localmachine> telnet remotemachine remotemachine> export DISPLAY=localmachine:0 remotemachine> netscape &
works perfectly, and the same with other X apps.