On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, vinayak_hegde@softhome.net wrote:
Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. writes:
And there's *nothing* wrong in experimentation and if you fall flat on your face, well you just have to get up, brush off the dirt and start again.
I am just fearful that the above words come from a doctor ;)
so now you know who *not* to go to if you have a medical problem :)
They are not used to (human) systems crashing with any apparent reason.
^^^^ you mean without
Oh yes, human systems do crash seemingly without aparent reason -- look up SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), AGBS (acute Guillain Barre syndrome), intra cranial arterio-venous malformations to name a few of the top of my head.
Methinks that makes find gnu/linux doctor friendly. :D
Vinayak Hegde