So, yes, if someone has a working Suse 9.1 Live CD then I'll be glad to
a copy and try it out.
Regards, Rajesh
Suse 9.1 Live CD that comes with LFY is not at all impressive. However, I was able to run it and one Compaq machine designed exclusively for Linux just kept rebooting. I believe the issue is not with CD quality but with Suse itself. Anyways it took me exactly ten minutes to load desktop. Suse Live CD starts all the unnecessary services like pcmcia, Ssh, Cyrus, postfix and lots more and hogs system resources. Compared to Knoppix Live CD, which I keep handy with me for demonstration Suse Live CD, is plain disaster. I have 850 MHz P 3 and 256 mb ram so my system was supposed to be compatible. After manually shutting down tons of services and manually changing desktop settings I was able to play little bit. To my surprise Suse Live cd came with SElinux enable by default. I am clueless how to disable it. I was unable to create any files and folders even accessing windows partitions were impossible. I thought I would be able to access windows folders on the fly but it was in vain. On the plus side, Suse has done great job selecting excellent fonts and some art works.Though Suse is quite suitable for DeskTop.