On 11/14/2010 09:22 PM, jtd wrote:
On Sunday 14 November 2010 17:56:52 Shamit Verma wrote:
What sort of client side state do you wish to maintain ? AFAIK, one is no longer bound to using Java for feature rich browser based applications. Javascript (in the macro sense that also includes jQuery, YUI, all of google's js stuff and the tons of ajax libraries that litter the web) is quite capable of turning the browser into a proper target platform for alternatives to most desktop based applications.
Javascript is not an optimal solution in this use case.
Based on initial email of this thread, aim it to control a robot from browser based UI. This requires very low-latency communication between UI and device.
Yes and that's the reason I added in the initial response:
Where will the main 'engine' for the robot run ? on the robot's controller ? In any case, for this use case you needn't touch java at all IMHO. All client side stuff can be done using javascript.
Basically, if I were to go about doing this, I would separate the controller bit from the UI completely. Javascript is great for the UI bits. So again, how is the robot designed ? Where is the controller ? For example: is the controller one of the popular open hardware boards ? Basically, I was /highly/ recommend first designing the components and API that'll make up your system and then choosing the language. My personal recommendations:
- A python based controller (perhaps twisted[1] based) - A javascript based UI
If otoh, you want the controller itself running 'client' side completely (within the browser) you might want to muck around with NodeJS:
Disclaimer: I have no experience with using this myself, but people whose opinion I respect say good things about it.
hth, cheers, - steve
[1] http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/