Hi Mrugesh,
I have a suggestion. FSF should stop being so hypocritic and start using
a term like FOSS/Linux that signifies Freedom. By using GNU/Linux, you're stealing the credit from the likes of Xorg and KDE. If you're really concerned about freedom, start highlighting freedom, not your own name.
The issue is that ``certain organisations/people" don't care and don't want to care about how and why the Free Software movement started, but use software nevertheless. In the process, that concept and ideology for which everything that was initiated is lost.
A good example is khadi. Any/Every one who wears khadi garments mainly do it out of a fashion statement or its ``technical/material benefits" in any weather. Nobody(or may be one in lakh) would really say talk about how khadi came into being or what it stands for.
Thus it becomes necessary to continue the activism to keep people aware of the cause. Lest it be forgotten.
Oh and before anyone starts a flame war, I am a fan of the GNU
philosophy. But that doesn't mean that I have to like or agree with everything that FSF or RMS say or do.
i agree with you completely on the flame war bit AND that you have very much a right to your opinion. But remember IF tomorrow that `right' is taken away from you too will HAVE to take steps to get it back and make sure it is NEVER revoked for you or anyone else.
- vihan