Sometime yesterday, Philip S Tellis wrote:
If anyone is interested, here are my mail scripts for getting and sorting mail.
Hmmm. Interesting stuff!
/etc/fetchmail/fetchmailrc: (I have postmaster as an alias of philip)
What does postmaster mean?
:0 *From: .*(regex of my sister's friends) !mysister
! is for forward?
:1 Subject: .*Ilug-Bom Web Site - Updated mail/trash
:)) I have a similar rule. It goes to /dev/null though.
echo -e "$MYIP\" >> /etc/hosts # add this IP to /etc/hosts so that sendmail doesn't cry when a # remote host tried to do a reverse lookup
Is this absolutely necessary? What's the use?
HOSTS=$(head -n 2 /etc/hosts) echo -e "$HOSTS" > /etc/hosts # get rid of the extra host line added # in ip-up.local # this is risky, but in my case safe
HOSTS=$(sed -e'$d' /etc/hosts)