On Monday 17 Mar 2008, linuxers-request@mm.glug-bom.org wrote:
Message: 2 Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:05:30 +0530 From: Rony gnulinuxist@gmail.com Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] [LIG] [LONG] [RANT] Ubuntu and Quality
.... snip ...
I have used Ubuntu's many versions, from 5.10 onwards and they do whats expected of them. I hardly update them and if so, just after the installation, when the system is still fresh and not customized. Another way is to keep the net running so the latest packages get installed during the main installation itself. After that the door is closed for further updates. I never upgrade a distro. I prefer to clean install a newer version if necessary.
.... snip ...
The above philosophy may work for a desktop setup in a "closed" LAN.
For a server visible on the 'Net this is not an option. If it is running a service that needs to be patched with a security fix - it needs to be patched. Otherwise face the consequences of a compromised box.
As for using Ubuntu on a server, I concur with other posts. Ditto for the "community" versions sponsored by the commercial linux distros.
-- Arun Khan