Quoting Agnello George agnello.dsouza@gmail.com:
As per the this doc. once i create the mailing list with the "newlist " command how do i add users to the mailing list.
There's an ``add_members'' command too, which takes a file full of subscriber email addresses as a parameter. You may also use the web admin interface and copy paste addresses there.
I have some 100 domains hosted on my system , there is no documentation for mailman with MySQL Could some one please help me in this situation
Your mailman install directory should have a $MM/data/alaises file. You need to point postfix to use that as an alias map, apart from other alias map you may have.
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases
Dont forget to read: http://list.org/mailman-install/index.html