Sometime Today, Nikhil Joshi assembled some asciibets to say:
These functions are required to be non-invertible (if you're a math student, that should make sense).
I guess I'm getting the picture (My math is weak tho ;)
Ok, for non-math students, here's a small tutorial:
f(x) = 3x
means, if we have x, we can find f(x).
also, this function is invertible, since we can say x = f(x) / 3
we'd write this as f^-1(y) = y/3 (that's f inverse y).
so if we know f(x), we can find out x.
Some functions however, are not invertible,
like f(x) = x^x (at least I think it is non-invertible).
Thus, if you have x, you can get f(x), but if you have f(x), you cannot get x.
P.S. 3.22am ??
:) Post party time. It's funny what a couple of beers can do.