On Monday 18 September 2006 19:54, Roshan wrote:
This post is sent to three lists (GNU/Linux , FSF-EDU, FSF-FRIENDS) because I wanted to share this experience and also have a small question.
I was asked to present a seminar on a topic assigned to me. The seminar topic doesn't have much relevance to this post, but there was something different that I tried.
In a way, I have exposed "Free Software, Ubuntu LIVE CD" distro to my classmates and one of my professor. I didn't speak about GNU and Free Software, but I did mention about considering (GNU/Linux) as an alternative to Windows.
One mistake I committed, was I being a bit bais to GNU/Linux and pin-pointing _only_ Microsoft to be responsible for proprietary software.
The question that I have ask is this. We had a DLP Projector that could not synchronize with the hardware and the display always went out of Range for Ubuntu 6.06. Why?..Doesn't ubuntu run on DLP's?
mode lines. U need to set the modelines correctly. It's about X, not the distro.