On Thursday 25 March 2010 10:30:25 Rajeev R. K. wrote:
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Mukund Deshmukh
mukund.deshmukh@gmail.com wrote:
I think Kartik and jtd need to read what the person is asking for and then reply.He has no where mentioned that he wants to install linux just wants to learn it.
Like learning driving in class room ;-))
More like learning flying in a classroom(A.k.A. Simulators, where pilots do a bulk of their training before they are even allowed near an aircraft). If driving schools had simulators of cars, i dont see why training there wouldn't be valid.
The prime reason for simulators is that you cant pause to read the manual. And the need for being hands on is also precisely the same reason - no hesitancy in realtime reaction.
Of Course, the real test is in a real car, but i'd be much more confident my first time, if i had a few hundred hours of simulator time.
The same goes for training. If the training institute provides you with the hardware, with the express aim of using it to teach you, then how is that different from you using your own, at least for the initial stages? i'm sure, if you hunt around, you'd find some institutes like that even, though i expect you have to look hard.
Unfortunately afaik there are none. In India teaching is entrenched to the conventional no-brian-use. They are tailored to elicit questions whose answers are known and easy to assimilate, rather than force you to think and raise your own - a requirement of the real world. IMO the op would be far better off saving his money and time learning himself, especially since the resources on the web are orders of magnitude better than any of the institutes.