Hi, I was busy. Happy Parsi New Year.
JTD replied whose reply I intepret as follows that Windows (am I correct ---- does not have a secure kernel like UNIX)---- then how is Windows security done. Now, for all over Mumbai/INDIA, WIFI can we say that we have to have a secure kernel ---- for banks can one advocate a "develop new applications / enhancements over LINUX development tool with Windows running on top of LINUX using the emulator VIRTUALBOX which is open source).
Now the key issue is that has anyone taken a software project of say one year and shown it is cheaper to develop using Windows v/s LINUX for the "easy to use touted set of Windows tool v/s which tool set to use of LINUX".
Not over the entire life-cycle, but just over six months time to go live. What if we take a fresh graduate of say visual basic/ASP from a windows school and put him thru linux programming ------ how will the development cycle be cheaper/prototyping cycle be cheaper.