H! Everyone,
Thanks for participating in the poll.
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
I have created a poll - Please vote
Profanity user on the ILUG-Bom mailing list should be
A. Put on moderation B. Barred from the list C. Awarded for his/her contribution D. Made list moderator/administrator
Please take your pick!
I made it even more easy to vote
Here is the result of the poll.
41% voted for barring the person from the list 36% voted for putting offending member on moderation 18% voted for giving award for "contribution" 5% voted for making offender admin/moderator.
Considering the majority wants offender to be gaged, admins/mods will put profanity user on the list on moderation for one month followed by expulsion from the list on repeat offense(s).
Now enjoy your Freedom with Responsibility. With regards,