Sometime on Jul 19, Nikhil Joshi assembled some asciibets to say:
Or an even better idea is to download tarballs and then create rpm packages out of them before installing.
Sorry I cannot comprehend what you mean . Please enlighten.
You can create your own rpms from tarballs. man rpm for more info.
I even tried the tarballs and tried to ' make , ./configure ' and stuff like that but I got some hard to comprehend errors :(
You've got to read all the docs that come with tarballs, and then try and isolate any errors that occur. Don't worry about warnings. Most programs are written in C, and if you know C, the errors are somewhat understandable.
Just for curiosity : In old Unices (Hope I spelled it right ;-) ) how were the apps installed?
tarballs. In the really old ones, they just copied the entire source, and compiled it manually. Then they made make to make making things easier. Then they started tarring the source to transport it, and compressing it to make it smaller. Most often though, they just needed to transport diffs that basically had the diffs between the orgs and the new versions.