On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 18:49, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
On 04/12/04 00:08 +0530, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime on Dec 3, Anurag assembled some asciibets to say:
I'd suggest IGFLOSSUG-BOM :-) That way we will represent Indian GNU, Free, LIbre, OpenSource Software users group of Bombay !!!
That's insufficient, because you ignore the not insignificant BSD community, so please add BSD to the list. There's also the quite large perl, python and php communities, all of which deserve mention.
And PostgreSQL, and MySQL and XFree86 and X.org and .....
Devdas Bhagat
IMHO, as long as everyone uses linux, in whatever platform and package, as long as we are from Mumbai, a simple ILUG-BOM should suffice. There should be no segregation between free and commercial or users and programmers or whatever else as we need to be one united linux community standing up for each other.
Its because of this community effort that there are so many sites on the net out there providing technical information and help to linux users from all over the world. It is because of this group that I finally took to linux in a more positive way, overcoming the hurdles related to its installation, setup and working. I have even started downloading and installing new programs in it.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks and Regards,
"United we stand; divided, Billybabua laughs"