On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:31:20PM +0530, Deepak Kashyap wrote:
Dear Members,
Please set your line length to < 80 characters (72/76 recommended).
I have setup a small mail server for my office on ubuntu server "Hardy" running on vmware.
It runs postfix +Dovecot +getmail + squirremail.
Every thing works fine except dovecot which crashes because of "Time moved backwards error"
This is a known issue with vmware. Please read the VMWare bugs/configuration documentation.
To overcome it I have put a restart in CRON every 5 min , but I keep getting this message
Cron someuse@localhost /etc/init.d/dovecot restart >/dev/null start-stop-daemon: open pidfile /var/run/dovecot/master.pid: Permission denied (Permission denied)
You would need to restart Dovecot as root. Not as a non-root user.
How can I overcome this dovecot problem , I googled but could not find a proper solution
Fix the time issue. I recommend moving off vmware to Xen or something.
Devdas Bhagat