To the members of the list,
I am in favour of Kiran Ghag's suggestion of stopping (non-Linux related) business marketing ads, and "where do you stay" kind of mails.
On the resume front, I propose a separate list could be setup for those who would like to advertise their Linux skills. Anyone interested in hiring or partnering with others could subscribe to that list, the others obviously will not.
I cannot resist making my next point. :P You see people sending their resumes are not "pathetic", they are in an unfortunate position in their life, and granted, do not take the time to study the rules. Also, if they send DOC files, then it seems they are the ones who are up-to-date, since they know about, KOffice, etc. being available for Linux. Sending a DOC file just avoids re-creating a document in another strange format, and I think that is a "smart" thing.
Clinton Goveas
--- Free Hosting Founder's Circle