Sometime Today, Manish Jethani assembled some asciibets to say:
/etc/fetchmail/fetchmailrc: (I have postmaster as an alias of philip)
What does postmaster mean?
Person who gets status messages (oversized mail rejected, blocked sender rejected, etc)
! is for forward?
Yes. Uses sendmail -oi
echo -e "$MYIP\" >> /etc/hosts # add this IP to /etc/hosts so that sendmail doesn't cry when a # remote host tried to do a reverse lookup
Is this absolutely necessary? What's the use?
This is the result of a very old thread on the list - when we were just over 150 users.
If I don't put it in, I get this in maillog:
Aug 10 12:54:33 tae sendmail[2553]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1 Aug 10 12:54:43 tae sendmail[2572]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1 Aug 10 12:55:26 tae sendmail[2636]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1 Aug 10 12:56:22 tae sendmail[2719]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
One for each mail that leaves my system. This is so because the IP address does not match any host name. In Windows, when setting properties for your ppp interface, you specify server assigned IP address, and hostname as username.domainname. That's exactly what I'm doing here.
HOSTS=$(head -n 2 /etc/hosts) echo -e "$HOSTS" > /etc/hosts # get rid of the extra host line added
HOSTS=$(sed -e'$d' /etc/hosts)
Thanks. This was done long before I started on sed and awk. Didn't feel like using perl for the job.