On 9/18/07, Parth parth.technofreak@gmail.com wrote:
On 9/18/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल]
:o) ok.. for that matter lemme give it another try.. well i have just
installed ubuntu and need as much help as possible...
The Grub's config file is /boot/grub/menu.lst. Open this file in the terminal with the command "sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst"
Search for the line "timeout 10" and change the 10 to whatever you want. To edit (move your cursor near the "10", press i, edit and then press ESC, finally press ":wq" to save and quit. Next time when you boot up you will get the new timeout.
-- Parthan aka Technofreak FOSS Enthusiast and Ubuntero
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. ~ Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Thank you very much for the quick help.. i think my prob's solved. I do post msgs in plain text much < 7kB And the gud news is that my post was not subjected to moderation this time around.
Thanx and regards.. :)