Dinesh Joshi wrote:
This is a howto of enabling apt for Yellow Dog's CDs. It will work with Fedora's CDs as well.
I have apt and synaptec installed but some file has got corrupted in my packages list and thats making the system get into some runaway process. I can't remember what I did to make it happen some months ago but I will also try out the rpm query options posted by Swapnil.
Apt is a really powerful utility and I recommend that you switch over to Debian if possible because its package management rocks! You better believe me because I was a Fedora / Redhat loyalist (still am) for a long time! :D
Some days back I just installed Kubuntu from this month's Chip mag. and it works fine. I also learnt to install .deb packages using dpkg -i pack_name. It has an 'adept' package manager and after some intutive searching, I enabled its 'Manage Repo..' tool bar and its hidden repo list. It runs beautifully and I even got gnome into it for extra packages. VLC too works fine. Kde is lovely to use but slightly buggy. It does not allow admin mode in system setup. It is a bug as reported by the kubuntu site. Anyway, thats my Debian tutor. :)
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