So are you planning for a full day event ? If so we can accommodate some more topics.
Yes, it will be a full-day event but the time will be distributed between the Mumabi LUG meeting, Ubuntu Release party, Mumabi Python meetup and the Mumbai JavaScript meetup.
I was thinking of start the LUG meeting around 9:30 a.m. Then, we can have a showcase of FOSS projects, followed by the Ubuntu Release Party and the Spotlight session. All in all, we will have time from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for all these activities (Mumbai LUG meeting, Ubuntu Release Party and the Spotlight session).
We will have a break for lunch from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and then the Python and JS sessions will start.
The above timings are not set in stone yet. If anyone has any suggestions, please do share.
If people are interested and time permits, I can conduct session on our various Embedded Linux/Android experiments with ARM-development boards such as Beaglebone, Cubieboard, Via-APC, RPi etc.
Yes, a session on such ARM-boards will be very beneficial. I could bring my RPi and my Cubieboard as well! I still have not been able to get a Linux distro installed on the NAND of my Cubieboard2 yet! I just have not spent enough time yet on it.
Also I can get some experts, who can deliver sessions on Linux Multimedia framework, OpenSource GIS systems, OpenSource TTS etc.
Yes, we can have these sessions within the "FOSS projects" period. Could you provide more details?
Best Regards, Rigved