is provided to me by glibc on my SuSe system, that should be the same on your system as well. Create a bootable linux floppy (many are available online) and then boot using that, network your machine, download glibc foryour distribution, and install it. Simple.
Actually the subject of the mail should be corrupted
Thanks a lot, it worked! Got a bootable image called RIP (Rescue is possible). Its a nice self contained distro with some good packages. I found another one by tom, but din't have the time to customize it.
Since the was corrupted I could not try any linux floppy which requires the disk. Making a boot disk finally resorts to init, which requires RIP uses a RAM disk.
Opening the system was kept as the last option. So attaching the CD Drive or removing the HDD were not an option as of now.
The doubt, how to you know that is the corrupted file.
The last message the kernel showed " file too short. Trying to kill init.". Yes the kernel killed init!! .....stopped. is required by init.