Sometime Today, DJ cobbled together some glyphs to say:
What is wrong with Java and GWT? We can have a client server environment
GWT is for java programmers who don't want to learn javascript. If you want to develop a rich web app, either learn javascript or learn flex and do it in one of those. In either event, use semantic markup and progressive enhancement so that you don't force the user to use a javascript enabled browser.
I am thinking intranet FYI. And Java programmers are easy to find. Plus
Correction. Bad java programmers are easy to find.
everyone. Java developers are plenty. GWT is OSS ( I think ), Web based
GWT is not OSS. The code it generates may be OSS.
softwares rock :). End user gets easy to use interface. Deployment is
It's easy to build web based software if you're going to limit your audience to specific browsers. If you want all users to use it, then you need to know what you're doing.