On 6/5/05, Philip Tellis philip.tellis@gmx.net wrote:
Just to notify everyone on this list. If the list admin notices someone abusing the list guidelines, that person is mailed off-list. Also note that there are multiple list admins, and as far as possible they try to react in the same way to a particular action. At the same time, keep in mind that they are human and some things might slip through especially if one is too busy to pay attention to the list for some time.
My two cents on this topic -
I have posted 3 messages on Sat. 4/6 using a different email handle "knura@yahoo.com" which is registered on this list. I got bounce message that it was awaiting moderator approval. Today is Monday 6/6 and the messages have not appeared on this list as of 08:45.
I would appreciate if the list admins would identify themselves and also clarify a few points below:
1. When some one registers to this list, neither in the registration page nor the welcome message is it mentioned that postings to the list are moderatred for the new registrant. I personally think this non-disclosure is inconsistent with what Linux/OSS stand for. In the past 15+ years I have been a member of many moderated/unmoderated lists (including being a list admin myself on a few). Of all of them, in my experience, this list and the Bangalore LUG list are 2 instances that moderate postings w/o prior disclosure of such practice. This suggests that you do *not trust* the judgement of the posters and therefore you need to "police" them before they receive your stamp of approval (against what established criteria?). This tantamounts to "You are guilty, you need to prove your innocence." IMO, if postings are moderated then each and every posting should be moderated regardless of the status/standing of the poster in this user community. Otherwise, a duly registered person should be able to post to the list w/o any moderator approval.
To handle abuse (occassional cases), allow 3 strikes (or whatever is deemed appropriate) and block the user from the list - again it should be disclosed. The moderators should not consider themselves above the rules.
2. If indeed you feel strongly about initial "policing" then disclose it fully in the sign up page as well as the welcome message. In the case of my postings, I have no clue when the moderator will approve them. There ought to be a timer, whereby if none of the moderator's react, then the posting is automatically approved.
3. I suggest a couple of additional lists. "announce" for job postings, meetings, etc., "shoot the wind" for OT discussions.
Thanks for your time.
rgds, akk