On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 08:28:56AM +0530, Philip S Tellis wrote:
http://staff.ncst.ernet.in/~philip/Annexure.ps http://staff.ncst.ernet.in/~philip/Letter+for+Linux+Meeting.ps
Here's the text version ... Incidently, IIT Bombay also received such a letter and the Head of the Computer Centre, Prof. Shivkumar is currently discussing issues on the newsgroups, about how IIT Bombay can help in this regard.
----- Letter for Meeting -----
Dear Sir,
Sub: Discussion meeting on Linux India Initiative
As you know, open source software has many advantages for a country like India in offering low cost solutions and thus lowering the barriers of entry for widespread adoption of IT solutions by various sections of Indian society and economy. In many ways, Linux represents the most visible symbol of the above and hence, it is proposed to hold a discussion meeting on the promises and opportunities of Linux for India as also identify issues that need to be addressed for its successful adoption by users. Keeping this in mind, it is proposed to hold a discussion meeting
under the Chairmanship of Shri Rajeeva Ratna Shah, Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology on 23 rd December, 2002 at 3.30 PM in Conference Room No. 1007 at Department of Information Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road. New Delhi110003.
A select group of about forty, representative in nature of different stakeholders, is being invited for the meeting to discuss issues relating to the merits and demerits of Linux, its adoption by user community and development of a consensual action plan on launching the Linux India Initiative. Salient points of the Linux India Initiative are enclosed in AnnexureI.
In the meanwhile, we would greatly appreciate your confirmation of participation in the meeting. Your email address and fax number would also be greatly appreciated. We would also request you to give your suggestions on points for discussion in the meeting as well as your position paper on the issues. These may kindly be sent by email to the undersigned at ramki@mit.gov.in with a copy to dc@mit.gov.in and savita@mit.gov.in . This would help us to compile the same for circulation at the meeting or before for productive, purposeful and rewarding discussions.
With kind regards, Yours sincerely, (S. Ramakrishnan)
----- Annexure ----- First Discussion Meeting on Linux India Initiative and points for decision on consensual action plan 1. Setting up of Resource Centres 2. Setting up of pilot sites for various application sectors 3. Policy issues 3.1 Policies on procurement: No specification in tenders in favour of proprietary platforms i.e. open source or neutral. 3.2 Setting up of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and support to users in Government eGovernance Defense Education sector (including schools) SME sector, rural users, cyber cafes .... 4. Support to tools/application development 5. Strategic research studies/Neutral studies on Cost of ownership Bench marking Security issues Scalability Adoption in other countries and verticals etc. 6. Introduction in curricula of engineering colleges, universities/colleges 7. Localization 8. Contribution to Linux development and associated R&D 9. Allocation of nominal funds in DIT budget, budgets of Central Ministries/Departments and State Government budgets to support the above