Today at one place I was amazed to see triband going out of control. DVDs getting downloaded in one hour, large files in minutes. It was an unlimited 512 Kbps scheme but was overclocking. In between it would come down to 600 to 700 KBytes per second, otherwise it was above 1 MBytes per sec. It was the AT&T server connection (username@a). While this utopia is in bloom since a week or two and may last a few days more, It shows that our telephone lines are capable of giving 22 Mbps which I actually saw in the new D-Link modem stats. Upload 1 Mbps and download max. 22 Mbps. Seeing is believing.
Gosh! MTNL when will you open your tap to full? We could be on a virtual LAN and share files with each other just like the cablewalas do in some areas.