On Saturday 23 September 2006 05:30 PM, Roshan cobbled together some glyphs to say: Roshan,
My assumption was purely based on Ubuntu's IRC. I now, know, I wasn't correct.
#ubuntu is one of the busiest channels on Freenode. It's unfair to compare it with _any_ channel.
But what about you? You were there on the channel for precisely 8+9=17 minutes. That surely doesn't qualify you to make such a comment.
I agree. I thought of initializing by sending a message. But, I waited for someone else to initilize.
My comment did not have any intentions to hurt, and I hope I did not.
Just try hanging out there for some more time, I am sure you will find somebody to talk to. On the other hand you may like checking out #linux-india and #ubuntu-in, they are relatively busier.
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@ubuntu.com Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings http://www.ubuntu.com/
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