On Monday 22 September 2003 22:22, Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. wrote:
have winduhs, RH 9, Debian woody, Slackware 9, and knoppix 3.2 on a
40 g
hdd (of which I can only use 32 G --limitation of bios :( ) And this
GNU/Linux does not use the bios. So if you install a distro above 32GB it will still work fine - subject to /boot and windoze living below 32GB.
just my primary master. Primary slave has winduhs, RH 8 (on two
and debian. I intend adding mandrake and maybe freebsd.
For me, grub will not boot a distro from a logical partition but
Grub can boot from any partition and media (including flash and usbflashdrive (experimental), irrespective of the partitioning and mounting scheme. AFAIK lilo can't boot from usb ;-]. Morover it's console feature is a boon to me (I keep swapping drives). Also you do not need to reinstall grub if your kernel or disk (other than the one grub is installed on) changes, just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.
But then the beauty of GNU is it's choice of religion - use grub, lilo, xosl whatever.
rgds jtd