On Tuesday 14 February 2006 9:44 am, Rony Bill wrote:
A word of caution for gmail users. Some experts believe that gmail scans and archives messages permanently as part of some human research and thats why its free. It creates profiles of all users and builds a relationship table which is why its available only through invitations. It is also said that messages deleted from the mail box are still archived permanently by google. So please use gmail after understanding everything.
M$ fud?. That is what any mail service provider does any way. If he is based in the USA the land of the new unfree, they are required by law to archive mail to be provided on demand by the govt. There is a case in some court bing fought by the feds and google afair. So if u send something on the net unencrypted u are essentially broadcasting to all and sundry. That should include mtnl, vsnl, msn, yahoo etc., etc., etc.,