Peeyush Chomal wrote:
You may contact my vendor Absolute (Contact no: 26845600).
I would recommend you to go for parts of which services are readily available. I had a very bad experience of motherboard (ASUS - A7S 266 VM) going faulty within 6 months of purchase. Since it was in warranty period I got service from my vendor without much trouble but it took in all "a complete month" to get it repaired. I was told that Tech Pacific (now Ingram Micro) are the sole service provider for AMD based systems and they take minimum one month to provide service.
This is absolutely true. After Tech Pacefic acquierd Inagram, they become the only large distributer in India (85% market share) for all hardeware and software. With that volume, they command distributor and volume margins no one else can hope to get and use it to squeese all others off the market.
They are now acting worse than the worst of the government companies. Till the time another large distributor comes in the market, this is what you will have to suffer.
The only difference comes with products from Samsung, etc who have their own office and distribution centers here.
I don't know if vendor lied to me. But for whatever reasons, I was deprived of my system for one month because of delay in service. So I recommend you look for vendor's reputation and quality of service by agencies responsible for any brand you opt for before you fix on one.
What is happening is that some of the vendors are keeping extra stock and providing you replacement without waiting for it to come from TechPac. This will not happen with Lamington Road guys since their margins do not allow them to do it. The guys who can do this (give you instant replacement), will naturally charge higher for the product in the first place.
Just for info, my experiance has been that Samsung gives instant replacement (I had a failed hard disk within warrenty) and so does HP. In both cases, you need to go to their service center and not to the distributor or vendor. I understand that DLink is in the process of setting up their service network to do the same. For most others, you are stuck :-)
As for the reliability part I have no suggestion about any brand. I have seen both brands AMD and Intel based systems developing problems over time.
Regards Peeyush