On Thursday 15 June 2006 04:28 pm, Harsh Busa wrote:
frankly not everybody likes it but its true ... msoffice is an interesting nice application for wordprocessing and spreadsheets
Wait till it eats up your 30 page report. It's reall interesting how 30 pages can disappear wiyhout a trace.
etc .... oo2 that i use rocks but still has a way to go ...
if ms were to release ms office for linux and not charge me . i wud use it. there is nothing much that i could possibly do with code of ggl earth / msoffice or any application that i m only interested in using,
anything wrong with this school of though ?
Plenty. You never know when u will require the source of the most unlikely piece of software. Recently we had to muck around kview to display pcx files with weird extensions. The client was screwed cause the original writer of the ten yr old app had vanished. We could ofcourse engage in the pointless excercise of rewriting code for a long forgotten file format while the client suffered. Moral of the story: closed source is BAD for u as a user or as a programmer.