a. Dr. D.B. Phatak. Loves BSD; hates GPL. b. Someone from KreSit (forgot his name), who is close to 'a'. c. Chap from OSSRC, CDAC, Mumbai. d. Mathias Klang. Creative Commons Sweden, Lead
Person 'a' started off by expressing his hatred about GPL and expressed his love for BSD. He gave a nice presentation too. The presentation was in Windows.
Person 'b' spoke about the efforts of KreSit to promote Open Source, and
he used MacOS, even after I personnally offered him a free alternative.
Its VERY tough to make Mac OS X users accept anything else. Unless they have a VERY clear reason, namely ``Freedom" they won't do so.
Person 'c' spoke about how CDAC is championing Open Source and writing a
text to speech front-end for Pine. Why not Mutt? Pine is non-free, but I am not sure about the Open Sourceness of the thing. Hence I can not say anything. Even then. Why not Mutt? GNU did not write Mutt.
Very wierd, can this person even do this as if i'm not mistaken Pine does not give you Freedom 3, i.e you cannot publish the modified version.
Person 'd' again went for his MacOS. Reason being OpenOffice.org could
not render his presentation made in Powerpoint.
That's simple. Somebody should have told him in the mildest of terms DON'T USE POWERPOINT SHITHEAD!!! i'm sorry about the language but it's REALLY irritating that a speaker talking of open standards is using proprietary tools.
The problem with
Creative Commons is that its chief says Free Software and GPL has does not have the concept of copyright. That is nonsense. Isn't it?
Hence I can no more trust someone who champions Open Source and pretends
to work for software freedom.
let's not club everyone in that boat. There are those in the Open Source community who are fighting hard against software patents and let's not forget the SCO case either.
So what? FSF/GNU does recognise Linus Torvalds for the Linux kernel. The
only problem is that he is not much bothered about sofware freedom. Did you hear the BitKeeper story?
- vihan